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Interlochen Arts Academy

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작성자 raad 작성일18-05-17 21:23 조회937회 댓글0건



Interlochen Arts Academy


월넛힐, 아이딜와일드와 함께 미국 3대 아트보딩스쿨로 손꼽히는 인터라켄 아트 아카데미는 
미시건 북서부에 위치한 Interlochen에 위치하고 있습니다.
9학년부터 12학년까지 제공하며 미술이외에도 음악, 무용, 연극,문학, 모션픽쳐 등 다양한 예술분야에 걸쳐 수업을 진행합니다.
1200평의 넓은 캠퍼스에 500명의 학생들에세 필요한 극장, 도서관등 225개의 건물이 갖쳐줘있어 학교가 워낙크기 때문에 자전거를 타고 건물을 이동하는 학생들을 볼수 있습니다.


•Comparative Arts
•Creative Writing
•Motion Picture Arts
•Music (instrumental, vocal, composition, singer-songwriter, studio music)
•Theatre Arts (performance, design and production)
•Visual Arts


인터라켄 아트 아카데미는 3대학교중 유일하게 AP(Advanced Placement) 시험이 가능한 학교로
대학크레딧을 미리 이수할 수 있는 장점이 있습니다.



1.Artistic Resume/List of Experiences: Gather a listing of direct or indirect life experiences related to your creativity. Please include the details of your participation in each experience in the style of a resume.
2.Portfolio: Seven to ten recent pieces of artwork
3.Foundational Evidence: One to three drawings from observation
4.Personal Statement: Please choose and respond to oneof the prompts below. You may share this narrative through a written essay (1-2 pages) or video submission (maximum five minutes). ◦Describe a current piece: Choose a piece from your submitted portfolio. Consider sharing where the idea came from, why you choose the specific medium used, what you might be trying to say or address in your piece, and why you ultimately pursued creating it.
◦Idea: Propose a detailed description of an idea or project that you would like to work on if you were to join the Interlochen Visual Arts department.


포트폴리오 준비사항
Visual Arts Major: Portfolio Requirements

As a compliment to the portfolio presentation, the Director of Visual Arts may request to schedule a meeting to discuss your creative pieces and overall candidacy to the program.

Portfolio Guidance:

The visual arts portfolio (#2) should consist of recent pieces of artwork that represent your artistic interests and demonstrate your technical skills and abilities. We welcome you to submit various media, which might including metalwork, digital art, installation images, photography, video, painting, printmaking, etc. The inclusion of drawings from observation (#3) should not be work drawn from imagination or copied from photographs. Here's a video with a few more tips on how to prepare a portfolio for the Interlochen Arts Academy Visual Arts major.



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Total 32건 1 페이지
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라드유학미술 교육과정 커리큘럼 포트폴리오 Art School 상담예약
라드유학미술 | 찾아오시는길 | 이용약관 | 개인정보취급방침
라드유학미술원 서초본원|서울시 강남구 압구정로 28길 22-10 영인빌딩 3층|전화 : 02-597-4573|사업자등록번호 : 853-91-00187 |Email : redmod@naver.com|대표 : 박신영